Henry Swift (Berkeley, 1891 – Berkeley, 1962). American photographer, he was part of the Group f/64 (together with the most famous Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham). Differently from other artists, we don’t know how and where the photographer had the chance to see the mathematical models for the first time. However, we know that he presented the pictures of three mathematical models at the collective exposition of the Group f/64, inaugurated at the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum in San Francisco on 15th November 1932. Symbolically, the title of one of these pictures is “Abstract sculpture”.
Abstract Sculpture (© Estate of Henry Swift, da MoMA New York)
Mathematical Form, ca. 1931 (© Estate of Henry Collection SFMOMA Swift The Henry Swift Collection, gift of Florence Alston Swift)
Mathematical Figure, ca. 1931 (© Estate of Henry SCollection SFMOMA Swift The Henry Swift Collection, gift of Florence Alston Swift)