
Planning and management:

Padova University Center for Museums: Fanny Marcon
Padova University Library System: Alessandra Barbierato, Annamaria Soldera, Lucia Soranzo
Scientific coordinators:
Prof.ssa Alessandra Bertapelle, Prof. Francesco Fassò, Prof. Remke Kloosterman, Dott.ssa Sofia Talas



Alessandra Barbierato, Fanny Marcon, Annamaria Soldera


English translation:

Maria Gabriella Leon, Prof. Remke Kloosterman


Web design:

Padova University Library System: Alessandra Barbierato, Gianluca Drago, Annamaria Soldera


Graphic layout:

Prof. Francesco Fassò
Gianluca Drago
Lorenzo Drago


Models digitization:

Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita": Daniele Marino, Alessandro Talami


Archive documents:

With permission of Padova University – Office for management of archival documents


Thanks to:

Giulia Nicchio for the listing of the Models in the CAM Project “Scattered Collection”.
Alessandro Talami (Dept. of Mathematics) and Gloria Cucco (Volunteer of the Regional Civil Service, 2021/2022) for the photos and the re-elaboration of the images.
Professor Roberto Vianello, instructor at the ISS Veronese – Marconi in Chioggia, (Venice), who mediated with Mr. Francesco Bacci’s family, that owns the photo of the celebration of Giuseppe Veronese’s election to the Senate of the Republic.