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Padova's Botanical Garden Library
The Padova's Botanical Garden Library is part of the University of Padova Library System.
It is open to the public and offers a heritage, both ancient and modern, dedicated to botany and plants, not only in relation to medicine but also to popular and artistic culture; a section is dedicated to the history of Padova's Botanical Garden and other historical gardens. The ancient collection includes, in addition to the volumes of the Marsili and Bonato collections, the precious donations and acquisitions made thanks to illustrious botanists such as De Visiani, Saccardo, Forti and Trotter. Prefect Saccardo also deserves credit for having created one of the largest collections of portraits of botanists and naturalists.
The current location of the library is on the first floor of the sixteenth-century palace of the Botanical Garden, in the premises where the Prefect resided during his term. Even now, in the Venetian floors or in the old fireplace, now unused, one can glimpse the history of a house that many illustrious people have visited.
Biblioteca Unviversitaria di Padova (MIBAC)
The Biblioteca Universitaria di Padova is a state public library, a peripheral body of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. It is a library of conservation and reading and carries out the tasks and functions provided for by the Regulations of the State Public Libraries (D.P.R. 5 July 1995, n. 417).
The library's patrimony, built up over the centuries thanks to the gifts and bequests of the Studio's professors and updated by virtue of the right to print and targeted purchases, owes a large part of its historical nucleus, with special reference to manuscripts and incunabula, to the nineteenth-century confiscation of the collections from the suppressed cloistered libraries. Its patrimony includes 2,745 manuscripts (XI–XX centuries); 1,583 incunabula; 9,622 sixteenth century books and over 100,000 editions of the XVII–XVIII centuries.