
L'insurrezione contro gli austriaci al Pedrocchi, post 1848, MREC

"And here were written in blood the first proofs of the open struggle against the unclean foreigner."

N. Tamassia (Frizzi 1923)

The documentary exhibition Coming out of the Great War examines the role of students and the University during World War I and the postwar period. Focus of its analysis is the self-representation of the Athenaeum.

The University at war

Papiro di Giovanni Faggioli, 31 maggio 1915, BC

"To the fortunate young men who will be able to serve the Homeland with arms and to those who with less luck, but with equal fervor, will serve it in civil works [...]"

Rector F. Lori (G. Solitro 1933)

In the Postwar period: commemoration

Portale del Bo col portone di bronzo (Turola), AGAPd

"The Alma Madre degli Studi of Padua, adorned with all its precious memories, flies above the graves of those who died for the holy war."

Rector F. Lori (1918)

...and celebration

Frontespizio del Libro del Sacrificio e de la Gloria (1923)

“To the heroic goliards of the University of Padua, gloriously fallen for the Homeland, the gratitude of the Nation.”

The King Vittorio Emanuele III