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Scientific supervision: Eugenio Ragazzi
Conception and creation of the exhibition, reconstruction of the collection: Cecilia Furlani
Web design: Cecilia Furlani, Gianluca Drago, Linda Cappellato, Lorisa Andreoli e Lucia Soranzo
Colouring book: Gianluca Drago
Digitisation: Andrea Pagetta
Literature search: Roberta Sato
Cataloguing of the ancient collection: Paola Mario
Cataloguing of modern pamphlets: Valetina Perozzo

Site created with MOVIO, open source software, project coordinated by the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (ICCU).

Elisabetta Coccolo of the Liceo Scientifico "G.B. Ferrari" di Este who worked on the selection of the parts to be digitised during the school-work programme
Giulia Rigoni Savioli of the Biblioteca Pinali Antica of the University of Padova for the bibliographic research on Joshua Ferro
Carla Lestani of the University of Padova Library for the transcription of the Marsili’s handwritten notes
Adele Rossetti for the translation from Latin of Frederik Ruysch
Sofia Paggioro for the translation from German of the bibliography on Johann Bauhin